Uganda National Parks

Uganda is rich in flora and fauna that can not been seen anywhere else in the world. The country is very rich in animals, birds reptiles etc species. Uganda has the highest primate concentration in the region. Kibale forest national park has the best habituated chimpanzees and Bwindi impenetrable forest national park and Mgahinga national parks in south western Uganda have the best habituated mountain gorillas.
Uganda has 53{899b15f80a2d8718204d48354149b0a45e47eff631d37dac5896e2c8e1eedb93} of the world’s population of the mountain gorilla and gorilla tourism today has become Uganda’s number one tourist product whereby hundreds of tourists are coming to Uganda today to see these amazing world’s creatures. Today, Uganda has launched another gorillas group called the Nshongi. This gorilla group is made up of 21 members and its one of the biggest habituated group.
The world has many wonder, today, the mountain gorilla has become the most amazing of the world’s wonders. These peaceful giants are very tantalizing to watch, they way they care for their young ones, relate to each other in their habitant, and react when they seen human beings. This way of life style you need not be just told, you need to see it yourself.
Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) has launched and internet based campaign called “Friend a Gorilla” campaign which is aimed at enabling humans befriend mountain gorilla in Uganda and one will be required to pay only $1 for the gorilla she/he befriends and will be able to monitor the movement of the new friend the gorilla on the map which is provided on the net. This campaign is aimed at creating awareness of the mountain gorilla and also conservation of these endangered great primates.
The campaign that was launched on the 26 September 2009 in Kampala at Kampala Serena Hotel attracted a huge number of people from Uganda and round the world which included; government representatives, non government representatives, ambassadors, gorilla conservation organisations, friends of gorillas, celebrities from Hollywood, local celebrities, tour operators, private companies’ personnels, etc. The event was very colorful. Prior to the launch in September, members of staff from Uganda Wild life Authority (UWA) dressed like gorillas caused traffic jam on Kampala streets. This also was aimed at creating awareness among the local public about the gorilla, encouraging them to go track gorillas and participate in gorilla conservation. It caused excitement and fear since some people actually thought the mountain gorillas where actually walking on the streets.